This documentary is set in Kelowna, BC and focuses on the decisions made by three artisans during the pandemic when doing-business-as-usual slammed to a halt. How did they keep their businesses open? What had to change? Discover the actions they took and not only survived as artisans but used the pressure of the pandemic to create opportunities that would not have existed were it not for the awful circumstances.
We aware delighted to announce that the documentary has been picked up by Amazon Prime USA as well ass Amazon Prime UK. In Canada, we can watch it on Tubi.
What is Lake City Pictures Doing Now?
We continue to offer Legacy Films, the films of your loved ones stories, told by grandparents and parents for posterity, so that future generations can hear their heritage and family stories.
We also continue in our portraits of women over 50.
A new feature for us this summer is a partnership with Telus Storyhive in the form of a Summer Crew grant in which we are live-streaming local businesses that make unique food and /or beverages. Our reach is from Kelowna to Penticton. You can find the stories on Telus Optic, Channel Nine and you can follow along in our instagram, @okanagan_pairing_challenge , or on Facebook. We will note it here when we have content available on YouTube which will be edited forms of the Optic Shows.
Thanks for reading so far! Please go like and follow our socials if you’d like to keep up to date with this summer’s project.